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Do It For The 'Likes'

Writer: Jasmine C. GarnerJasmine C. Garner

Oh joy, you got 200 likes on your last post. That outfit was so cute, you just had to show it off. How do you feel now? Important? Beautiful? Famous? What about the other post that only got 20 likes or the fact that you have 20,000 LESS followers than she you still feel important or intimidated? Welcome to the world of social media. The place where we carry the unnecessary pressure of being liked.

Social Media has become a world of its own. It is previously known as the search engine for personal information, but now it is the search engine for almost all information. It has its own career, crime, and psychology. We can no longer ignore it as passing entertainment and connecting, OH BABY, this thing is a secret monster in the lives of many. This is not to down social media, it's an awesome tool for connecting and growing businesses. Unfortunately, for every tool comes the opportunity to abuse and misuse it.

Gosh, if only we had these cravings when it came to spending time with God, I wonder how much healthier we'd be. We see more women showing off their bodies for likes than we probably see memes, and I've even seen many Christian women doing the same thing. Ladies, it's time we freed ourselves from the pressures of this present age. The pressure to please others, to maintain a certain look, and to become this type of popular.

You've seen our Trends page where we share the crazy stats of how media has effected us. Why do we allow this type of social pressure? What was once used as a tool to connect with your distant cousin is now a place of competition, thirst traps, and slander. Social media and I have a love/hate relationship. I really don't care to log on and scroll, there's just too much noise and clout for me. On the other hand, I actually have to be there because...well, it's where I find you! 😊 God is using social media to get His messages to people and that's what I'm doing.

The message to you sis is to FREE YOURSELF. Many of us are wondering why we aren't growing, why we don't have clear directions, why we lack focus, why we keep falling into the same sin. Where are you spending most of your time? Have you formed a habit of clicking on your IG app more than you open your Bible app? And I know you feel guilty when you do it. So let's modify our behavior and perspective so that we can keep growing and be free from all of this pressure.

Strip Off Unnecessary Weight

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us strip off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us,"- HEBREWS 12:1

So the Bible tells us to strip off every unnecessary weight AND the sin that trips us up in our walk with God. It's not just the sin you need to let go and repent of, but also removing whatever is hindering you from a thriving spiritual life. Unnecessary weights can actually be good things like social media or hanging out with friends. If you know you struggle with social media and you'd rather scroll online than have bible study then this is a weight. Refuse to allow social media or anything to dim your spiritual stamina!

Practice Self-Control

Yes sis...the word and fruit of the Spirit that we can't stand. 🙄 It requires denying our flesh or desires for the greater good, and that greater good is a richer relationship with Jesus Christ. Proverbs 25:28 says, "Like a city that is broken down and without walls [leaving it unprotected] Is a man who has no self-control over his spirit [and sets himself up for trouble].' PROVERBS 25:28

If we can't control our urges to scroll, like, and post, then we are setting ourselves up for trouble. Distractions in any form are troublesome, and if we can't control even our apps...we will have a much harder time controlling anything else. Self-control is what enables you to focus on what's important. It's healthy to carve out time to log out and refresh your mind and soul. I recommend a weekly fast from social media or even a monthly, I'm currently on my monthly social media detox writing this post. I frequently practice not logging on on weekends, weekends are mostly dead and have less engagement anyways.

Renew Your Mind

Romans 12:2 is actually my favorite scripture and one of the main reasons I am called to minister in this way..." 'Do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].' AMP

Renewing our minds is sooo important because we spend so much time conforming to the culture that we can't think for ourselves, let alone even grasp what God is saying to us. I believe this scripture is very much for US in this Information Age. Social Media causes us to conform with the superficial lifestyles of having it all. And we wonder why we deal with envy and covetousness.

Sis, I encourage you to strip off the unnecessary weights, practice self-control, and renew your mind with the Word of God! Then you will start transforming in your spiritual life and actually know the will of God concerning you. Not to mention, you will also gain a new sense of your worth in Jesus and not in the likes you get from a butt pic 😉

Did you get anything out of this? Share your thoughts in the comments + drop your social media handles! We'd love to connect with you online. #socialmediatoday #getmorefollowers #socialmediadetox



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